Spring Fling 2024
Spring Fling with be held the weekend of April 19th-20th!
Spring Fling will be held in person both days. Saturday activities will include more socials, lunch and service.
The fundraiser will be held at Camp on Saturday, TBD. Please make sure to bring cash with you so you are able to donate.
The service project this year will be TBD. We are able to do this because we as a district received the tomorrow fund grant. Come and help us out with is project!
Register here!
Spring Fling will have a registration fee of $25, this includes lunch on Saturday.
Payments being made through Venmo, please send them to @Wumcki
For payments being made by check. please make checks payable to "WUM Circle K," write "Spring Fling Registration" in the memo sections, and send to :
WUM Circle K
Attn: Rachel Leader
6308 Offshore Drive
Madison, WI 53705
For questions, please contact District Governor ([email protected]) or
District Administrator ([email protected]).
Spring Fling will be held in person both days. Saturday activities will include more socials, lunch and service.
The fundraiser will be held at Camp on Saturday, TBD. Please make sure to bring cash with you so you are able to donate.
The service project this year will be TBD. We are able to do this because we as a district received the tomorrow fund grant. Come and help us out with is project!
Register here!
Spring Fling will have a registration fee of $25, this includes lunch on Saturday.
Payments being made through Venmo, please send them to @Wumcki
For payments being made by check. please make checks payable to "WUM Circle K," write "Spring Fling Registration" in the memo sections, and send to :
WUM Circle K
Attn: Rachel Leader
6308 Offshore Drive
Madison, WI 53705
For questions, please contact District Governor ([email protected]) or
District Administrator ([email protected]).
In a typical year...
This is a WUM-derful event that happens every year in the spring. Members from the district gather together at Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin Dells. Spring Fling is our spring club officer trainer. However, this event is not just for officers! It is for all eager members who are excited to meet new people in the district and want to learn more about Circle K International.
First of all, what is Camp Wawbeek? It is part of Easter Seals Wisconsin and it is a summer camp for campers of all abilities. To learn more about Camp Wawbeek, please visit their website. When we are there in the spring, we help prepare the camp by volunteering to do work such rake leaves, paint shelters, organize arts and craft supplies, chop wood, and whatever is needed at the time.
So why should you go to Spring Fling? This weekend is filled with workshops and fellowship events that you do not want to miss! Whether it is running to Denny's at midnight, learning more about the Kiwanis Family in workshops, or expressing your club spirit through a skit, you are guaranteed to have fun and make new friends!
This is a WUM-derful event that happens every year in the spring. Members from the district gather together at Camp Wawbeek in Wisconsin Dells. Spring Fling is our spring club officer trainer. However, this event is not just for officers! It is for all eager members who are excited to meet new people in the district and want to learn more about Circle K International.
First of all, what is Camp Wawbeek? It is part of Easter Seals Wisconsin and it is a summer camp for campers of all abilities. To learn more about Camp Wawbeek, please visit their website. When we are there in the spring, we help prepare the camp by volunteering to do work such rake leaves, paint shelters, organize arts and craft supplies, chop wood, and whatever is needed at the time.
So why should you go to Spring Fling? This weekend is filled with workshops and fellowship events that you do not want to miss! Whether it is running to Denny's at midnight, learning more about the Kiwanis Family in workshops, or expressing your club spirit through a skit, you are guaranteed to have fun and make new friends!